Their church had a list of “older widows” who formed a “ministry team.” They had to meet some “qualifications, some commitments” to be on the list. They had to make a commitment to the cause of the team, to their ministry. They were to keep their pledge.
“Younger widows” were not put on the list because they may desert. They may still have children in the home or want to marry again. In either case, Paul says to refuse to sign them up. They most likely had other pressing issues in their lives as well. And there was nothing necessarily wrong with those issues that would prevent them from being totally committed to the team. If you sign them up, you set them up for possible “judgment” from the Lord if they don’t keep their commitment to the responsibilities and guidelines of the group. Paul put it this way in 1 Tim. 5:12 Thus they bring judgment on themselves, because they have broken their first pledge.
This concern for commitment is almost “foreign” to our society’s way of thinking today. A sense of commitment is not a part of the mindset today. People place little significance on contracts anymore. Many people today think its okay to break contracts, whether it’s their lease, or job related, or a marriage, or any kind of partnership.
But according to verse 12, a “broken contract” brings problems. Apparently God views contracts as something of great value. This doesn’t diminish the fact that He forgives and is merciful to us and He heals us, but it’s also true that when we break contracts and commitments, we will have more problems to deal with.
Take King David for example, a man after God’s own heart, and yet he sinned. After his repentance and renewal of faith in the Lord, he walked with the Lord again. However God said that the sword would never leave his house from then on. He would have trouble in his home. We are forgiven of our sins, but many times we must deal with the consequences after that.
• Commitment is colossal with God.
It holds great and lasting significance with Him. And He wants us to see it the way He does. Why? – Because it is beneficial to us, and it prevents pain, that we otherwise inflict on ourselves when we break our commitments. The truth is when we make a commitment or pledge, God expects us to keep it. When we don’t, He doesn’t flame us on the spot. He instead, disciplines us as disobedient children. That’s His form of “judgment” on His children. It’s just plain wise to make commitments and to keep them.
1. Know yourself.
What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? Your personality? What do you know that can trip you up? What do you know that can prevent you from being tripped up? What are your spiritual gifts? What is your gift mix?
Rom. 12:3-6 (NCV) You must decide what you really are by the amount of faith God has given you. Each one of us has a body with many parts, and these parts all have different uses. In the same way, we are many, but in Christ we are all one body. Each one is a part of that body, and each part belongs to all the other parts. We all have different gifts, each of which came because of the grace God gave us.
2. Know your purpose.
Eph. 2:10 (NLT) For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Learn God’s purpose for your life. Listen for His calling. Take the “game plan” He has for you and run with it. That’s the real reason you were created, and that’s where you’ll find fulfillment. If you don’t know your purpose in life, you’ll struggle with commitments. If you don’t have direction for your life, you will struggle with commitments. Or you think you’re going in the direction that’s meant for you, but it isn’t, because it’s not God’s direction for you, and so you’re always second guessing yourself.
3. Visualize what God can do through your life.
Eph. 3:20 (NCV) With God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.
All things are possible with God. God designed you for a commitment to His plans for you. God has shaped you for a purpose; with all your background, your past, your experiences, your strengths and weaknesses.
Therefore serve the Lord. Excel in enjoying life with Christ. Follow through with your commitments in the here and now, and you’ll experience an even fuller life in Heaven.