Jesus had a crowd sitting around Him, and His family came
looking for Him. They thought He had
lost His mind and had come to take Him away with them (v. 21). Jesus then asked the crowd who His family
was, and looking around at them, He told them they were. Then He said whoever does God’s will is His
The people were sitting around Jesus listening to His teaching. From this simple scene we can see that God’s
will involves:
- Listening to Jesus and learning from Him,
- Being around Him and giving time to Him, and
- Keeping Him at the center of attention.
Since Christ had to
suffer physically for you, you must fortify yourselves with the same inner
attitude that he must have had. You must realize that to be dead to sin
inevitably means pain, and you should not therefore spend the rest of your time
here on earth indulging your physical nature, but in doing the will of God. 1 Peter 4:1-2 (Ph)
Doing God’s will means dying to our selfish ways, wants, and
pursuits. Dying to “self” is
painful. No doubt about it. To give up comfort, convenience, and preferences
for the cause of Christ can be upsetting, even heartrending. But it’s the way to gain and reward. It’s the way to life. And it’s the way of God’s family.
When we keep Christ at the center of our way of thinking,
feeling, actions, words, and relationships – we find ourselves doing the will
of God. And we’re family. Doing God’s will is a family matter in God’s
Give your mind to Him.
Give your time to Him. Give your
attention to Him.