What is the “right direction”? For most of us the right direction would be
the way that gives us security. It would
be something we can count on. It would
be a foundation on which we could build our lives which would not change or
disappear. It would be a way of life
that is dependable and rewarding.
Really, who wants to build a life on that which is unreliable and
subject to penalties?
If we can know the things which are reliable and secure,
then we not only have a strong foundation on which to stand; we have a
motivation, an energy, something that will propel us forward through life. Most of us want something that will equip us
and fuel us in our everyday living. We
want something that will enliven us in an ongoing way.
The good news is that there are at least six things you can
build your life on. These six things are
trustworthy, dependable, and secure.
They will last when all else may fail.
They will remain when everything else may change.
Psalm 19 points us in the direction of that which is
trustworthy: The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together. The
signposts of God are clear and point out the right road. The life-maps of God
are right, showing the way to joy. The directions of God are plain and
easy on the eyes. God’s reputation is twenty-four-carat gold, with a lifetime
guarantee. The decisions of God are accurate down to the nth degree Psalm
19:7-9 (Mes).
This is why you want to build your life around the six
things that will last:
1. God’s purpose for your life will last.
2. God’s Word will last.
3. God’s love will last.
4. God’s church will last.
5. God’s salvation of you will last.
6. God’s presence with you will last.
If you’ll build your life around these six things, your life
will be transformed, and you’ll do good things for yourself and bring glory to
God. Build each day, each week, each
month around them. Your life is far too
important to invest in anything less.