Monday, August 23, 2010


Nehemiah knew that the nation of Israel would never be strong as long as Jerusalem was weak. But Jerusalem would not be strong unless the people were willing to give and sacrifice. So he calls on the people to give and sacrifice to the Lord for the sake of their city.

God calls His people today to give and sacrifice for the sake of His church in order to build it. A strong church is a sacrificial church. By the same token a strong Christian is a sacrificial Christian. Strength comes from sacrifice.

If you want to be a strong Christian, you must be a sacrificial Christian.

The first thing you can do to become strong through sacrifice is to Give Yourself to God’s Purpose.

Nehemiah 11:1 Now the leaders of the people settled in Jerusalem, and the rest of the people cast lots to bring one out of every ten to live in Jerusalem,

What is it God wants us to give ourselves to?

1. Make the numbers grow.
The Israelites moved into the city in order to make the population grow. People were needed to protect the city and to cause it to flourish.

Our purpose for the church is to “make the population of the church” grow.
We’ve got to bring more people. Invite more people. Build more relationships outside of the walls of our church for the purpose of bringing them to Christ and to join God’s family.

2. Love God by loving His family.
If the people really loved God and their city, then they would want to live there.
When God’s people really love Him, they will love His family, the church.

3. Be a part of the church’s mission.
God brought these people back to the city because He had a special job for them to do. They were to build the walls and gates. And then God wanted to bless the world through them. To abandon the “restored city” was to obstruct the working out of God’s purpose through Israel.

What’s our mission? To go and make more devoted followers of Christ. All of us must be doing our part in the church’s mission.

4. Use your gifts.
It took a lot of people with their many skills to maintain the ministry in Jerusalem.

God wants to use everyone with their different gifts and skills to get His work done. The important thing is that we give ourselves to the Lord so He can use us as His tools to accomplish His work. Each person is important and each task is significant. Your spiritual gifts are significant and have a place at Clay Community. And God wants you to use those gifts for the building up of the church. Those of you who are using your gifts you’re setting the example for others. Let’s continue to sacrificially give ourselves to God’s purpose in order to experience His strengthening.

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