Is your life filled with Christ? Does He have authority in your private life,
public life, family, marriage, relationships, finances, giving, serving, your
time, answers to your questions, plans, and dreams? Only when we give the authority of our lives
completely to Christ do we come to know fullness of life. Only when we really believe God with our
lives, families, material possessions, money, our actions, our words… will we
know His power flowing through us. Are
you believing what God says? That’s the
key. Jesus stated a lasting truth that
recognizes God as the source of our lives.
This is worship of God: “But seek first his kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matt.
A.W. Tozer wrote: “The
Church has surrendered her once lofty concept of God… The low view of God entertained
almost universally among Christians is the cause of a hundred lesser evils
everywhere among us.”
Oh that we would turn completely to the Lord God, re-direct
our lives to Him, and truly worship Him as our God.
“Now this is eternal
life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
you have sent”. John 17:3.
This message leads me to examine the real truth in my life. Oh how I wish I could say that every area of my life I have surrendered completely to Christ. I have given him my soul completely, but it's in the act of surrendering my worldly circumstances I fail miserably at times. I know that the times I have fallen on my knees when I have nowhere to look but up into the loving eyes of my faithful God do I find comfort and peace. Knowing this...why wouldn't I always surrender to God's direction and authority for my life before I end up confused, crushed and broken? Why do I run from God at times? Is it shame, fear, unworthiness? Father God I come to you this day to ask for your forgiveness in the moments when I turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to your direction. Release in me my desire to control my life so that I can see and hear your direction and wisdom. Help me to understand the consequences in my life so that I can use them to grow and mature spiritually. I desire a continuing more deepening relationship with you. Thank you Father for you mercy, grace and forgiveness. All these things I ask in your precious son's name Jesus according too your will not mine. Amen