I’ve never seen a flea circus, so I did a little a
research. According to Wikipedia flea performances
were first advertised as early as 1833 in England, and were a major carnival
attraction until 1930. The only known
genuine flea circus that still performs is the one in Germany. Fleas typically live only for a few months
and are not trained. Fleas are observed
to see if they have a predisposition for jumping or walking. Once sorted, they are harnessed by carefully
wrapping a thin gold wire around the neck of the flea. Once in the harness the fleas usually stay in
it for life. The harnesses are attached to the props and the strong legs of the
flea allow them to move objects significantly larger than themselves. Jumping fleas are used for kicking small
lightweight balls. They are carefully given a ball; when they try to jump away
(which is not possible because of the harness) they shoot the ball instead. Running fleas are used to pull small carts and
vehicles or to rotate a Ferris wheel. There
are historical reports of fleas glued to the base of the flea circus enclosure.
Instruments were then glued to the flea
performers and the enclosure was heated. The fleas fought to escape, giving the
impression of fleas playing musical instruments.
At the risk of sounding uncompassionate I’ll be honest and
admit that I laughed my way through Wikipedia’s description. I never knew.
So flea circuses really did/do exist.
On a less comical note, I wonder about the various times in
our lives when we’ve been like “circus fleas” harnessed to a habit or pain or
fear. And we’ve kicked and tried to run
and tried to escape or cope in our own ways and strength. Instead of getting free we stayed “harnessed”
to our destructive or self-centered patterns which I believe give Satan a sense
of gratification. Instead of kicking or
running or using our own power to change our lives, we must let Christ free us
and transform us. The flea may think: My own behavior
baffles me. For I find myself not doing what I really want to do but doing what
I really loathe, (Romans 7:15 Ph).
But the Christian has the truth: In my mind I am God’s willing servant, but in
my own nature I am bound fast, as I say, to the law of sin and death. It is an
agonizing situation, and who on earth can set me free from the clutches of my
sinful nature? I thank God there is a way out through Jesus Christ our Lord,
(Romans 7:22-25 Ph).
What interesting information on behavior. Whether great or small our behaviors effect our lives in many different ways. I see in me that certain behaviors have become habits...I'm often not even conscious of the consequences. Other times my sinful nature connected to my wants is so strong that I end up trying to justify my behavior. Sometimes I find myself hiding in a dark place that somehow feels familiar and safe. Reading my own words I'm beginning to see a correlation between my behaviors. Like the flea I feel trapped...except trapped by my own unconscious behaviors with endless consequences like guilt, unworthiness and shame. At other times I'm focused on what I think I need trying to disguise and justify my sinful wants. The consequences from this selfish behavior is that I never feel satisfied which causes me to repeat this behavior in constant search for fulfillment. Finally I end up running to a familiar dark place where I can hide my depression from the consequences of my sins. I find it interesting that many people will return to places that aren't good for them simply because it is familiar which gives a false sense of safety. "Father God I come to you today to ask for forgiveness for the times when I have ignored what I know is what you would have me do. Father I ask that you remove my running shoes so that I can stop running from you into the dark areas of my life. I know you already know this but I ask for a size 8 1/2 "walking shoe"...so that I may always walk toward you in the "light" of your Word and your presence. I ask for your mercy and to provide me with a godly awareness, a tap on my shoulder or simply a bench to sit and rest my heart in your love for me. Help me to resist self loathing so that I might see myself as you see me...pure, and saved by your precious son Jesus. Thank you for never abandoning me. You are the great "I Am" and there is no other God but you Father. Thank you for loving me always. I ask these things according to your will for me in Christ's name...Amen"