Monday, May 27, 2013


In Matthew 21, Jesus tells a couple of parables to teach the importance of using the opportunities God gives us to obey Him and express our faith in Him.  He says our opportunities are like “vineyards” that are to be worked and harvested.  God has prepared opportunities – vineyards – for us and expects us to use them productively.    Here’s how:

1. Go to the opportunity and work it.
“There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’” Matt. 21:28.  Take initiative.  The opportunities are presented to us.  Now we must go to them and make them productive. 

2. You are saved to serve.
“A certain landowner planted a vineyard… Then he leased the vineyard to tenant farmers … At the time of the grape harvest, he sent his servants to collect his share of the crop”. Matt. 21:33-34 (NLT).  You have a vineyard to work and make productive for the Kingdom of God.  You’re on assignment.

3. Look, listen, and choose the right way.
“For John the Baptist came and showed you the right way to live, but you didn’t believe him, while tax collectors and prostitutes did. And even when you saw this happening, you refused to believe him and repent of your sins”. Matt. 21:32 (NLT).  There is a right way to handle situations.  Learn God’s ways of living.  Put into practice God’s righteous ways of dealing with people and circumstances.

4. Count on your calling.
“… ‘go and work today in the vineyard…he sent his servants…he sent other servants… he sent his son’…” Matt. 21:28, 34, 36, 37.  Know that you’re sent on a mission.  Let it motivate you wherever you are.

5. Be productive for God’s Kingdom.
“… the kingdom of God will be … given to a people who will produce its fruit.” Matt. 21:43.  Your job, your school, your family, your neighbors, your friends, your recreation – all provide opportunities to be productive for God’s Kingdom.

Work productively in the vineyards God as entrusted to you.  Work towards the harvest of more believers in Christ and transformed lives.

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