The believers in the early church were united in purpose and
prayer. Literally the word “united” means they were “all of one mind”. They were all in agreement. The word “united” actually has a deeper
meaning. It means not just of “one mind.”
The deeper meaning is to be “joined by a bond stronger than death.”
That’s the way I see the fellowship of a church. We are joined by a purpose stronger than
death. We push forward with the purpose
God has given us. We move in the same
direction, with the same purpose of connecting people with God, growing
spiritually, and serving people, united in what God has called us to do such
that only death will separate us from one another.
I’m all in. I hope
you are. We do this “together.”
This has been my year of personal giant leaps of faith. This message reminds me of my marriage this past April. The word united as applied to marriage made me stop and think..."until death due us part" leaving a person to be open to marry again if one should die. To be united with Christ in many ways is much like a marriage filled with our commitments to be faithful, love, to forgive and to be forgiven, to be patience, and remaining steadfast with joyful expectation. However, I'm so grateful that to be united with Christ is not like an earthly marriage in that death will never part us. I have often wondered if more people entered marriage with the commitment to truly stay united "when life circumstances tries to part them," there would be less divorce and a stronger desire to not fight with each other but in unity fight that which is in the world that serves to disconnect them. In marriage we need to be all in...however to be "All in" for God...connecting, growing and serving others is our greatest purpose and a foundation to experience real joy. Father God, I ask you to forgive me for my slips in faithfulness. Father take my weaknesses and show me how to turn them into strengths. Help me to know there is no limit on how long it takes for me to grasp your wisdom...you are a patient teacher, loving and kind. I have much to learn about releasing self doubt and leaning always on my faith knowing that you will never forsake me. I praise you Father for all that I have and for all that I am. You are always "all in" for me and I want to show you I'm "all in" for you. Guide me Father so that others might desire the same united relationship I have with you to be part of their lives for now and for eternity. All these things I ask in your precious son's name, Jesus. Thou will be done...Amen