To strive for excellence is to excel in who God made you to
be. You recognize your abilities and
opportunities and strengths, and you accept your limits. God reminds us by saying, Don’t cherish exaggerated ideas of yourself
or your importance, but try to have a sane estimate of your capabilities by the
light of the faith that God has given to you all (Rom. 12:3 Ph). Excellence is what God wants from you because
it requires faith in Him, belief in His truth, and trust in how He has created
you. To strive for excellence is to give
your all for God’s purpose in your life.
It’s to trust His infinite wisdom, His purpose in all things, and His comprehensive
To try to be someone else other than who God made you is to abuse
who God made. And that is
arrogance. If we follow the script the
world gives us, this is where it leads.
In Disney’s Fantasia, in the animation
of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Mickey
Mouse plays the apprentice and uses sorcery to bring to life a broom to do the
chore his master wants done – fetching water in a bucket. This is not just laziness. Mickey is too arrogant to do something so
lowly, working slowly within the limits of his own body. But Mickey has started something he can’t
stop. When the water is flooding the
room and the broom still will not stop, Mickey chops it up, and soon hundreds
of headless brooms are carrying water and drowning Mickey in the fulfillment of
his ideas, which are beyond his abilities and limits.
That’s the revenge we can expect when we strive for
perfection according to what our culture wants from us, when we try to be what
we’re not, when we disrespect the abilities and opportunities God has entrusted
to us, and when we don’t accept our limits.
The oppression it brings is a life of inhuman competition.
Striving for excellence doesn’t mean we are less energetic
or less enthused about life and what God has called us to do. On the contrary it’s about going forward full
throttle according to God’s design and purpose for us. As you
received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please
God, that you excel still more (1 Thess. 4:1 NAS). Some of you need to press on the accelerator
to follow God’s direction and let Him do the steering. Strive for excellence, not perfection. Love God, love others, and love yourself.
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