Dr. Jeremy Osborn from Albion College in Michigan tracked
390 married couples in a study he titled, “When TV and Marriage Meet.” Couples answered questions about their
satisfaction with their spouse, relationship expectations, level of commitment
to the marriage, TV viewing frequency, and how much they believed that TV
relationships were actually realistic.
Overall, the study found a simple pattern: When belief in TV romances goes up,
satisfaction with your actual romantic relationship goes down. In other words, the “on-again, off-again
relationships on TV shows – built up by sweeps weeks and season finales –
impact what you think a wife or husband should be.” (Science Daily, “When TV
and Marriage Meet: TV’s Negative Impact on Romantic Relationships”)
Simply put TV romances can rob your marriage of
romance. Consider the time you may put
into watching TV romances and the time you put into keeping the romance alive
in your marriage. Which gets more of
your time? Decide to give more time to
real romance and less to TV romances.
You are all sons of
light, sons of the day, and none of us belongs to darkness or the night. Let us
then never fall into the sleep that stupefies the rest of the world: let us
keep awake, with our wits about us. Night is the time for sleep and the time when
men get drunk, but we of the daylight should be alert, with faith and love as
our breastplate and the hope of our salvation as our helmet. 1 Thes. 5:4-8 (Ph)
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