Think of the difference between a “gift” and a “sentencing.” When a sentence is handed down, there’s no
choice. That’s what you get. That’s what you deserve. That’s who you are – guilty and sentenced. That’s who we were “in Adam.” That’s what we inherited. We inherited the “death sentence.” But we also inherited the tendency to sin,
the old flesh, the sin nature. So we
deserved to be eternally separated from God and punished for our sin.
But when you’re offered a gift there is choice. You get to reach out and receive that
gift. It’s in the receiving of the gift
that things change. The gift itself
doesn’t change your life, but when you “receive” that gift, you become the recipient
of whatever that gift “bestows” on you.
When you’re born into a family, you’re given a name. That name identifies you. You’re given a home and that identifies where
you live. You’re given siblings and you
look alike. The material possessions of
the family, the inheritance of the family, the reputation of the family – all
belong to you and identify you. Those
things are “bestowed” on you and characterize you.
When you receive God’s grace and the gift of righteousness
through faith in Jesus, then what is bestowed on you is a “new identity” and
all that it includes. The Bible teaches
that your old identity is put to death. You’re no longer guilty or sentenced. If you’re dead, you can’t be sentenced
anymore. You can’t be punished. You can’t be guilty anymore. You’re dead.
Now you’ve been raised as a new person with a new identity
to live a new life. You now get to live the
resurrected life in obedience to Christ as you let Him live through you. Now you’re redeemed. The gift you receive is a life-changer. It’s an identity changer. It’s future-changer for you. It changes everything for you and about you. The gift is the “gift of righteousness.” When you place your life in the hands of
Jesus, and place your belief in Him for your forgiveness and eternal life, God
gives you the gift of righteousness. At that
moment you are placed in right standing with God. You are made righteous in God’s eyes.
The sentence of judgment has been removed, and now you are
forgiven and innocent and holy in God’s eyes and you forever will be, because
Jesus died one sacrificial death for all your sin for all time.
Our High Priest
offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time. Then
he sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand. … For by that
one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy (Heb.
10:12, 14 NLT).
Only God makes us acceptable in His eyes. Only He makes us righteous before Him. He alone justifies us through Jesus
Christ. No other one, no religion, no code
of ethics, no philosophy, no ideology, nothing else makes us righteous enough
for eternal life in Heaven, but Jesus. Only
the gift God gives through faith in His Son Jesus qualifies us for Heaven. He gives His righteousness to us so that we
are made righteous in God’s judicial eyes.
It’s what Jesus did right, because we didn’t and couldn’t.
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