What happened last week at Sandy Hook Elementary is heart
breaking. We grieve with the
families. It was a terrible tragedy. We ask the question, “Why did this happen?” The answer that must be confronted, above the
opinions on mental illness, gun control, or poor parental guidance, is the
reality of “evil” in our world. Jesus said, “The world ... hates me because I testify
that what it does is evil” (John 7:7).
Jesus says the deeds of the self-centered Godless ways of the world are
evil. And we’re all affected in some way
by the evil someone does. Jesus said, “Here on earth you will have many trials and
sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
The good news is that this world doesn’t have the last
word. The Lord Jesus does. There is hope. There is a Light. There is an answer to evil, and it’s found in
Jesus Christ. He is the answer to our
turmoil and grief and pain. He’s the
Peace we need in our times of turbulence.
He’s the Comforter in our times of sorrow. He is the Way to live. He is the Truth of life. He is Life itself. He is our Salvation. We grieve, we hurt, we sorrow, but we also
have hope and truth and comfort in Christ.
The Apostle Paul said it well: “We are
pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed,
but not driven to despair” (2 Cor. 4:8), (We’re) sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; (2 Cor. 6:10). How can this be? The answer is that Christ gives us inner
peace that the world can’t give or explain.
In light of this recent tragedy we should commit ourselves all the more
to the mission of Christ – to lead more people to be believers in Him. On those living in the land of the shadow of
death a Light has dawned.
I wanted to share a recent conversation my daughter had with her 8 year old daughter about this tragedy... "finally had a talk with my oldest about the incident. I figured it would upset her...I got the opposite response. She was calm as can be and says "mommy, its ok. Those children and teachers are in heaven with Jesus. Its sad what happened but we have drills in school so we know what to do if a bad person comes in our school. I will be fine at school , mom" Talk about strength in a 8 yr old. I am glad to have instilled Jesus Christ in our lives. In fact she closed with, "while we are at school who will take care you?" I told her God will." That is the kind of faith we need to have in our lives. The faith of a child is so pure, simple and not complicated by adult thoughts. A great lesson in this tragedy is knowing that evil does exist in this world and that not one of us is immune to the effects of it. How we overcome evil is a personal choice. It can strengthened our faith or we can choose to let it steal our faith. We don't remove evil by removing or blaming God. Our country is fast placing the futures of our children in jeopardy by making them fearful of praying and speaking about God. Father God, I pray today for all the families who have been effected by this tragic event. May our hearts stay open to your presence, your love, forgiveness and mercy. Help us to spread the Good News about Jesus and Salvation. We know that sometimes we feel powerless over evil but then we are reminded that you are powerless over nothing. Help us all to lean on your understanding, love and strength to live in this world filled with evil, hate, envy and destruction. Lord we praise your Holy Name and give you all the praise and glory. We ask these things in your precious son's name Jesus according to your will...Amen