When the angel announced the birth of Jesus it was an
announcement of good news and great joy for everyone. A Savior has been born, One Whom we all
need. Therefore, don’t be afraid. When fears begin to rise in your heart
because of the unknown future or the questionable economy or an illness or
family difficulty or fear of being alone – remember a Savior was born for you,
and the glorious and enlightening announcement from God is “Don’t be afraid!”
Later when Jesus sent His disciples to share the good
news of His Kingdom, He knew they would have to deal with fears, and so He
encouraged them to not be afraid. “What is the price of two sparrows—one
copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your
Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all
numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a
whole flock of sparrows”. Matthew
10:29-31 (NLT)
Follower of Jesus you are more valuable to God than a “whole
flock of sparrows.” He knows everything
about you and your life. And He cares
more about your future than you do. As a
matter of fact He is already in your future just as He is in your present
because He is the eternal God. Therefore
take courage and go forward with the purpose God has given. Don’t be afraid.
“It is never safe to
look into the future with eyes of fear.” – Edward Henry Harriman
Thank you for this powerful message concerning fear. I'm ashamed that fear has been a driving force that has kept me from being all that God has chosen for me to be. It is so difficult sometimes when we live in a world that feeds our worldly nature to fear all that is happening around us, in us and in the future. That should be a red light for me as a Christian. My favorite verse is,2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind." So often the word "fear" itself should not remind me of its more worldly definition but of the Godly one meaning to respect or be in awe of someone or something. Father God I ask you to remove my inclination to live in the fear of man and this world with all its consequences and focus on my fear (awe) of you and all your blessings. Help me to release your light inside of me so that Your love may shine brightly on those who are lost and living in fear. Thank you God for loving me and your merciful forgiveness. For today I will be conscious of the words I speak and thoughts I think so that fear will not leak into my heart and soul. I pray for our Pastor who continues to minister to us with his love for you and desire to bring others to know you. Thank for this new day and a new chance to practice my faith in the way you would desire me to do. I ask all of these things in your son's name...Jesus...Amen