Paul says he “presses on” toward the goal to win the prize
in Heaven to which God has called him.
He says we all should have this kind of attitude to press on. Don’t fall back. Move to the next level of commitment. Keep learning because much is to be
learned. Keep growing because we need to
keep maturing. Lean forward, press
ahead, and move yourself forward in understanding God’s truth and in spiritual/emotional
maturity. This is what God calls us
The key is to “press on.”
The original Greek word for “press on” means to pursue. It’s a metaphor from running a race. The idea is to speed on earnestly, to pick up
the pace. It’s a race against time and
our enemies. It’s a race for
accomplishing your God-given purpose, your calling.
Paul says, Run to win.
All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and
fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally.
I don’t know about you, but I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m
giving it everything I’ve got. No sloppy living for me! I’m staying alert and
in top condition, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (Mes).
Do what’s necessary to run the race in a way that overcomes
the enemy and his forces and in such a way that it achieves the goals for what
God has called you to do. Give it everything
you’ve got!
This message caused me to do some real soul searching. I've made goals all my life and created steps to achieve them only to discover once I achieved my goal I often felt empty and confused as to where to go from there. I'm beginning to see that the goals I set for myself weren't based on my calling from God. My goals were focused on what I thought I could accomplish without learning what my true and unique gifts God has called me to do. My goals were filled with constant detours created by worldly distractions. I was actually running a race that stunted my spiritual growth and just led me to another goal that was all consumed by me...me...me... No wonder I felt alone, frustrated with my faith and hope wavering each lap of my race. Dear Father God, thank you for your merciful understanding and forgiveness of my prideful race in a world that is filled with ends. Father I ask that you show me the gifts that you have designed for me so that I might mature spiritually and bring others to Christ. I pray father that each new goal that I set will reflect your will in my life and that I will never stop running the race that will lead me straight into your arm. Forgive me for my prideful ways and lead me toward the path you desire for my life. All these things I ask in Jesus name according to your will...Amen