For Christ’s love
compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore
all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live
for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 2
Cor. 5:14-15
The love of Christ is that which not only compels us, drives
us, urges us on, but it also defines our life purpose. His love “closes us in.” The King James Version says it this way: For
the love of Christ constrains us.
The meaning of His love which gets hold of us and pushes us forward also
means His love “constrains” us. It’s the
idea of being confined between two walls to one purpose.
God’s love for you sharpens the focus of your life. It gives direction to your life. It’s in His love for you that your purpose is
defined. It’s by His love for you, His
love for human beings, and your love for Him that you’re able to narrow down
your life purpose. The love of Christ
puts you in a hallway, so to speak, and the direction of your life becomes
clear and focused.
What marvelous love
the Father has extended to us! Just look
at it—we’re called children of God! That’s
who we really are. 1 John 1:3 (Mes)
Just look at God’s love for you. Take the time regularly to pause and… just
look at God’s love. Gaze on it. Stare at it.
Take it in. Soak it up. Delight in it. Marvel at it.
Wonder at it. Let His love for
you dear child of His go all the way through you. And… your life will transform. And… your life purpose will form in a direction
for you.
This message made me stop and think about visions, missions, steps to reach and attain those visions. The visions I've faced to move forward have been visions for living in this world as though I would live forever here on earth even though as a Christian I know my eternal life is forever in Heaven with God. So why wasn't I thinking long term? Why were all my visions based on what I thought I needed or wanted and not on what God's vision is for my life? After reading this message it becomes more clear to me. When I focused on a goal I had forgotten to include God so my hallway had no walls...leaving me with open spaces filled with distractions. Soon I was coping with distractions more than I was focused on attaining my goals. I like knowing that Christ's love constrains us...blocking out the worldly distractions that keep me from moving toward God's purpose in my life. I also realize that with the protective walls that line my path will keep out Satan from the outside but he will not give up and will try to attack me from within my thoughts to distract me. Father God I pray that you will constrain me with your wall of love not only down the visual halls I will walk but that you will provide the same wall of love to protect me from the distractions in my thought life. Help me to remember that the first steps I took on earth were baby steps and from this day forward I will be taking giant steps of faith into your Kingdom. Help me Father to remember my true direction through your unending love for me...your child. In Jesus name, Amen