You were making
splendid progress; who put you off the course you had set for the truth? Galatians
5:7 (Ph)
Most boards and CEO’s want to hire people who have shown
measurable results. But when they
overvalue the short term results that are more easily measured, they reward
those who produce immediate advances over long term significance.
Something similar can happen in the church. We can place too much emphasis on the short term
immediate visible results, and when they don’t materialize as soon as we want, we’re
tempted to move on to something else or somewhere else, or just give up. And our spiritual growth is stunted.
Though it may be challenging to value the long term results
over the short term results, it’s that “stick to it” kind of attitude that is
rewarded more. With a long term view of
results, godly values are absorbed deeply and take root in our lives. We are transformed over the long term. The kind of results looked for – Christ-like
character, love, joy, peace, authentic vulnerable community, a strong
motivation for connecting people to God and growing spiritually and serving
people – materialize over time. Transformed
lives, Christ-like character, and spiritual/emotional maturity can only be produced
over the long term. The final results will be measured in eternity
one day. So stay the course. Stick to it.
Look for long term results in the future for yourself and for others,
because those are lasting results – lives truly transformed and matured. So if
you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like
it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to
the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be
alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things
from his perspective, Colossians 3:1-2 (Mes).
This message strikes at the heart of my method of achieving a long term goal. How many times have I set a long term goal with several steps to achieve it...all my life. How many times have I chosen to pick the order of those steps based on how easy or difficult they are...almost always. Why? I wanted to see immediate results. That was my motivation. Wow! What a revelation. the truth is my choices were based on feelings not actual results. Getting honest doesn't feel so good. This message is such a life changer. The short and long term satisfaction of achieving a worldly goal is "SHORT" lived. The short and long term satisfaction of accomplishing God goals designed for me is "LONG" lived...eternal. Character isn't built in a day, trust isn't earned in a day, peace isn't earned in a day. All of these things require ongoing commitment..."long term." Father God, I pray for wisdom, patience, endurance so that my testimony will reveal a true long term commitment to serve you. Forgive me my shortsightedness and trying to choose the easy path. Spiritual growth is a long term commitment with much action on my part. I pray for understanding and guidance as I seek to grow beyond living just for today. I ask these things in your precious son's name Jesus, according to your will...amen