In Matthew 22:8-10 when Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven
He speaks of the importance of
inviting people in: “And he said to his servants,
‘The wedding feast is ready… Now go out to the street corners and invite
everyone you see.’ So the servants brought in everyone they could
find, good and bad alike, and the banquet hall was filled with guests”
We cannot let ourselves become satisfied with making
passengers more comfortable on the Titanic.
Meeting needs, serving people, and showing them God’s love are all
important, but we also must offer to them a seat on the only lifeboat that can
ultimately save them.
What a powerful message. I've been so preoccupied in trying to figure out my place in serving others I realize all I've been doing is setting the table. I've yet to seat them or show them God's menu. Like a new inexperienced waitress I've been afraid that I might do something wrong like spill something or serve the wrong thing. The truth is that I need to spill something...spill the beans about God's love and promises. I have the perfect menu...my Bible. All I have to do is invite them to be seated...at the Lord's table. Thank you Pastor David for reminding me that there is a time to move beyond the preparations and serve the food of life...Jesus. Father God forgive me when I get caught up in the details instead of the content. I pray that you will help guide me inviting people to accept your invitation for eternal life through Jesus. May the people I serve find their seat at your table not mine. I give you all the praise and glory for all that I have is yours. Thank you for trusting me to care for your gifts according to your will. Amen