Currently however our economy has become complicated and
problematic. In light of our present
economy or any economy, whatever the status may be, the Bible addresses a
significant connection between the financial and the spiritual.
One the one hand God tells us to be prudent. The
wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down
(Proverbs 21:20). God wants us to make
decisions based on long-term consequences.
That’s the wise thing to do.
On the other hand God tells us to exercise faith and live
carefree. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will
eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. … Can any one of you
by worrying add a single hour to your life? … you of little faith … For
the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you
need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all
these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:25-33). God wants us to learn to trust Him.
Both financial prudence and being faithfully carefree are
values God wants us to have. Jesus said
more about money than about His Second Coming.
The reason is because how we handle money is a measure of our
spirituality. It reveals the quality of
our relationship with God as well as to one another.
A.W. Tozer wrote: “The whole question of the believer and
his money is so involved and so intimate that one hesitates to approach a consideration
of it. Yet, it is of such great
importance that one who desires to qualify as a good servant of Christ dare not
avoid it, lest they be found wanting in the day of reckoning.”
“Faith, hope, and love will never be displaced as the core
of Christian teaching. And money will
never be displaced as a means of measuring our souls to see if those forces are
really at work.” – Marshall Shelley, Editor of Leadership Journal.
Thank you Pastor David for this message. Money has always been a subject that many Pastors seem reluctant to discuss while others will speak of nothing else as though it is the path to eternity. It's equally puzzling to me that people who call themselves Christians could become angry or disgruntled about this act of obedience. People seem to be okay with obedience in other areas. Concerning Pastors, perhaps it's because they don't want a Guest or a church member to leave thinking this church is all about money. Truthfully it does cost money to keep the doors of the church open. For the church member perhaps it's fear, control, guilt, etc. I know I've felt those things in the past. I don't think we can learn to be carefree (not worry) about money and step out in faith to be obiedient until this message "is" taught and it becomes evident in a person's life. Some of the happiest times as a child in Sunday School was dropping my nickel, dime or quarter in the collection plate. I loved being included in giving to God. Starting young creates a giving spirit that hopefully will continue as they become adults. Most of my life I've had no money or very little money, but when I trusted God to provide the opportunities to meet my needs...He always provided and often in abundance. Then comes the message of tithing...giving to God your first fruits (the best you have to give.) Like many I have given what I "thought" I could give. It has taken way to long in my life to realize that in doing that I wasn't obeying God's word. He didn't say give me a little of your first fruits...but 10%. I soon realized that I had fallen into a dangerous situation assuming I was being faithful and trusting...but the truth was that I had put limits on my faith. God doesn't put limits on His giving. Although I feel ashamed to admit my past lack of faith I feel free in knowing I no longer live that life. Father God, forgive me for the years of unfaithfulness. Thank you for your patience knowing that I would finally get this message and begin a true life of faith. You have never failed me...you have saved me from some of the lowest moments of my life...you saved my life. Thank you Father for your mercy, your forgiveness, your patience, and your eternal love for me. I pray that I will never forget that you are still working in and for me all the days of my life. Show me paths I need to take. Hold my hand and my heart so that your presence will fill me with a peace that is beyond understanding. Father I give you all the praise and glory for all that I have and all that I am knowing that I'm just the caregiver of these precious gifts. Help me to share your word truthfully...by living your word. All these things I ask in Jesus name according to your will for my life. Amen