To be true to God means to be sincere with our motives and
actions. Integrity means you’re the same
person in your private life and you are in your public life. You’re the same person when you’re alone as
you are when you’re at church. What you
have committed to the Lord in your heart you commit to with your actions and
Why would you or I not be a person of integrity? Because of fear in our hearts, and we let it
influence our motives and actions. And
so you say one thing and then do another.
And you’re not true to those around you, or to yourself, or to God until
you deal with the fear in your heart.
Fear is the root cause of many things: anger, depression, control issues, worry. We’re afraid of rejection, abandonment, not
being loved, what others think about us, tomorrow, financial loss, not having
enough for retirement, of not being accepted, and the list goes on.
And then what do we do?
First we hide. We wear
masks. We put on a front. We don’t let others know who we really
are. And who you are when you’re alone
doesn’t match who you are when you’re around other people.
Second we look for ways to get love. We have trouble loving ourselves and loving
others and loving God. Without knowing
it you’re trying to heal a “father/child” wound deep down in the center of your
What you really need is the Heavenly Father’s love to heal
your heart. God tells us in His Word
that His love “expels all fear” from our hearts. What happens is that the fear in our hearts
can manipulate us and control our motives and actions.
God’s Word gives us the truth:
For the Spirit that
God has given you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead,
the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to
God, “Father! my Father!” Romans 8:15 (GNT)
There is nothing in
all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God,
Romans 8:39 (GNT)
Look at how great a
love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children.
1 John 3:1 (HCSB)
Here’s what we can do based on God’s truth:
Cry out to God as your Father Who loves you
perfectly, more so than your earthly father.
Choose to thank God that nothing will ever be
able to separate you from His love.
Think long and deep about God’s great love for
Practice “resting” in God’s love. Begin the day, spend the day, and end the day
resting in God’s love for you. Just say,
“Father I choose to rest in your great love for me.”
Let God love you and transform your life such that you’re
the same person inside and out.
We’ve got to give up trying to fix ourselves, control our
own lives, and medicate our pain, so we can give up the ownership of our lives
to God. And when we do, we will live lives
of integrity in His love.